We're already near the end of November so it's time to remind everyone about any Christmas orders! Royal Mail have brought their deadlines forward a bit this year for Standard international post, so we'll need your orders a little earlier than normal.
There is the potential to receive orders after these dates but you'd need to select our Tracked option to make sure that they arrive safely.
So get those Christmas orders sent in to us as soon as possible!

And just for info, if you're sending any packages yourself, these are the Royal Mail's official posting deadlines, NOT to be confused with our own deadlines above!
Royal Mail Posting Deadlines
UK 1st class - Wed 18th Dec
Europe - Thurs 5th Dec
USA & Canada - Fri 6th Dec
Rest of the World - Tues 3rd Dec
More info on the Royal Mail website here: https://www.royalmail.com/christmas/last-posting-dates