
Useful Links

Painting Services

There are a variety of excellent painting services out there, here's some of the people/companies we can recommend to paint up your armies!

JAD Designs -

Jason does excellent work and is responsible for a lot of the painted vehicles in our WWII webphotos.  Have a browse of his website and see what he can do!

Christopher Grau -

Chris has been working through some of our WWI ranges recently so head over and have a look at the Russians!  You can find more images of his work over on his Facebook page as well.


Here's a list of companies that we can thoroughly recommend!

Dark Horse Hobbies -

For any of our US customers who want to order from an American company! 

Ironclad Miniatures -

Ironclad Miniatures produces some fantastic ranges in a variety of scales and is definitely worth a look.  John takes care of all our resin products as well.

News Sites

Looking to keep up with the latest goings-on in the wargames industry or with 10mm in particular?  Take a look at these sites:

Pendraken Forum -

The Pendraken Forum is a friendly and helpful place with over 2000+ members.  We post regular updates here, including previews of new sculpts, information on our latest releases, lists of potential ranges in the future, etc.  Head over and join in the discussions!

The Miniatures Page -

The Miniatures Page is one of the most popular news/magazine websites around, with a wealth of knowledge on tap.

The Wargames Website -

The Wargames Website brings news and discussion in a friendly and welcoming environment.