Wire spears and pikes now available in various sizes
Latest News
2022 was a big year and we managed to get a lot of stuff done, but a new year needs some new year plans!
How did we do?!
We've got an assortment of BMP/BRDM/BTR-60 options now available!
I-94 Enterprises flag decals now available for Australia, New Zealand and Canada
We've got two new aircraft with the American B-25J Mitchell and the Soviet Tupolev Tu-2 now available!
It's time for another batch of new vehicles in the form of a revamp and extension of our M3/M5 half-tracks!
We've admired the excellent Battlescale buildings for a long time so we're pleased to announce that we're now stocking them!
Tokens/templates now available with fancy Cold War branding on them!
It's now time to add the buildings from our Peninsular project!
We're now stocking the Javis tuft and strip packs to add some extra detailing to all of your bases.
We're very pleased to announce that we're now stocking the excellent Colour Forge range of spray primers!
We've got some more additions for our American War of Independence ranges, this time with emphasis on the French!
We're continuing to get some of our older Fantasy ranges revamped and back onto the website, so the Beestmen are now available again!
In this batch we've got some Sci-Fi fencing and a nice little searchlight model.