
Pendraken Plans for 2025!

After a reasonably productive 2024 it's time to take an optimistic look at the next 12 months and see what projects we'll be trying to get completed!

I've not put these in any particular order, as last year I tried to assign monthly timeframes that didn't quite pan out. 

10mm ACW Additions
These have all been sculpted and can be viewed here:,23348.0.html so these will be one of the first jobs to work on.  They should be all done and released before Salute.

10mm WWII Artillery crews revamp
As with the above, we're hoping that these will be all done and ready to go before Salute.  The master castings of figures and guns have all been spun up so we just need to start checking them over and putting into new moulds.  We'll take this opportunity to add a few extra artillery options as well as listing the crewmen separately for anyone wanting to buy just crews.

10mm Sci-Fi Expansion!
After launching 6 full ranges last year we've got some more to come for the Sci-Fi range, with another 3 or 4 ranges planned.  These might not appear until after Salute but we'll get some pics of them up on the Forum for folks to look at.

Future War Commander 2nd Edition
The document for the new ruleset has gone off to our editor and he's been working on the formatting and layout for us.  The plan is to launch these at Salute 2025 and we'll have more info about them over the coming months.

10mm Modern Vehicles
There's a small batch of modern additions coming too, with the T-72s about to make an appearance in the coming months, along with the BM-27 truck.  Once these are done we're going to add some trucks for the other nations as well.

More Red Vectors products
There's a large batch of new MDF buildings all prepped and ready to release, including Sci-Fi, western and WWII additions, so we're going to get these prepped and ready for release before the summer.  We've also got some handy scenery items that'll be apearing in the first few weeks of 2025.

10mm TB Line
The ongoing delays of the TB Line ranges continues into 2025 but I'm determined to get these sorted out!  Techno has been doing some repair work to all of the Ancients sculpts so that'll really speed up the process on these last few ranges. 

10mm Dungeon World
One for later in the year is going to be a full revamp of our Dungeon sets, including new modules and scenery items.  We want to make new production moulds for all of these so we'll update as soon as that's sorted out.  We'll also get some pics of the new modules for you.

12mm Fantasy ranges
Once the next few Sci-Fi ranges have been completed we'll be switching Tecnho back to new Amazon and Ratmen ranges that we started a while back. 

10mm Bronze Age Middle East
We don't have any info on these just yet but we'll get some rough range plans sorted and up for you asap.  These will be a job for the second half of the year as the sculptor will be working on something else first...

10mm Napoleonic Russians
We've talked about this a lot on here and we've finally managed to talk the sculptor around to it too!  He's going to start work on these in February hopefully and we'll be doing fully comprehensive Russians to cover the entire Napoleonic period.  I'm not sure yet if we'll offer up a not-Kickstarter/pre-order system for these.

Cold War Commander lists
One of my jobs for the Christmas break was to get the Cold War army lists finished off and sent over to the Army Builder developers, but a week of Christmas plague has put paid to that!  I'll continue working on them during my spare time and we can hopefully get them done soon.

And other plans...

New Resin Room
We're going to start bringing our resin production in-house this year, to avoid some of the delays and stocking issues that we've seen on our resin products.  This will also allow us to expand some of those ranges a lot quicker too, getting more items online and available for folks.

Painting Competition
The annual painting comp will be running as usual through February so here's an early heads up to start prepping your entries!