More German, American and British codes!
Latest News
Christmas, Books and GPSR!
Make sure to get your orders placed in time!
We need to clear some space in the Pendraken shop for new products, so we've decided to run a Big Book Sale!
We've got another little batch of the Castle Arts range back into production!
ACW Previews, new Battlescale and prices!
Battlescale have recently adjusted the packaging of their Stone Walls and Hedges packs
All the latest news from Pendraken HQ!
One of our plans for this year is to revamp all of our WWII artilery packs with new crewmen!
Preview of Sci-Fi range 8 - The Protz!
With some sun finally shining outside and a break in the shows, we've been getting on with some jobs...
...with the arrival of the Spanish Inquisition!
With a new Townhouse now available!
New codes and more poses throughout!
We've been getting on with some jobs at Pendraken HQ...